

Sunday, August 13, 2006

SUSAN TOMPOR: PERSONAL FINANCE: Cash for school is all about the hunt

Students who are scouring around for extra cash for college must ditch the notion that there's no real money to be found in scholarships unless you're, say, a super-brain who can win a prestigious Intel scholarship or, say, a super-goof who can pull off creating a prom dress out of duct tape.

There's money in the more mundane, too.

Mark Kantrowitz, 39, admittedly is one of the super-brains who won a slew of scholarships, awards and fellowships -- including the Westinghouse Science Talent Search (now the Intel Science Talent Search), the Courant Institute Prize for Mathematical Talent and the MIT William L. Stewart Jr. Award.

But he's also one of my favorite people to talk to about how to get money for college. He's the creator and publisher of FinAid.org -- a solid source on financial aid, scholarships and student loans.

His new book, which will be available next month, is called "FastWeb College Gold" (Collins, $21.95). It's a step-by-step guide that can help cash-strapped parents and teens figure out the higher-education money maze -- and yes, find scholarships.

Source: http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2006608130563


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